Join Us

Worship & Communion - Sundays @ 11am

Chapel Youth - Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

near empty drinking glass beside opened book
near empty drinking glass beside opened book

Our Services

four boy playing ball on green grass
four boy playing ball on green grass
Worship - 11am Sundays 

Hymns & Spiritual Songs, Communion, Prayer, and Preaching

Chapel Youth - 6:30pm Wednesdays 

Dinner, Bible Lessons, Singing, & Games

Christian Education 

Join us as we prepare to reboot our Sunday school and/or Bible study offerings. Input is welcome.

person holding white ceramic mug while reading book
person holding white ceramic mug while reading book

Fellowship, Family, & Connection

Please, contact us if you have any questions.

We welcome and encourage visitors, potential visitors, members, and friends to get in touch with us for questions, feedback, or just to say hi. We would love to see you in person. Welcome.